Thursday, November 28, 2013

Introductions and Explanations

 First the Introductions: I am of course MandoViking and the Holonet Runestone is my blog for just about whatever I fancy putting up at the moment. Not much there I know, but that's really about it.

 Now for the explanations: For those of you who aren't Star Wars nerds, the Holonet is basically the internet of the Star Wars universe.
 Runestones are Stones and rocks(obviously) that were used by the Scandinavian people to record information like the names of men who went on certain battles or something about a road that the stone is by.
 Mandalorians are a people in the Star Wars universe with a warrior culture based heavily on the Celtic people of ancient Europe. Two of the most recognizable Mandalorians are Boba Fett and his father Jango Fett.
 Viking is a term for Norse traders, pirates and sailors.

And so we have The Holonet Runestone of MandoViking

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